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Japanese Parasols

Channeled Visions

I'm posting this blog with the Japanese people in mind. Praying for you all.

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A Children's Book 

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Life’s River of Knowledge

The other day while doing normal daily chores, I noticed how easily I move from one chore to the next, even seeming to combine a couple...

If We Were Trees

If people were trees, we would have the honor of absorbing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releasing clean breathable...

Life Is Short

While watching a television show the other day, an actor made the statement, “I’m only here for a short time”. That got me to thinking,...

Try Practicing Being the Watcher of Yourself

I practice being the watcher of myself by standing outside my body and watching my actions from behind me. My Dad always used to say,...

The Reality of a Day

You know you are cleaning out the closets of your life when someone you don’t know, but is known well by a family member, shows up with a...

Earth’s Choice

Many religions speak of the opportunity to reincarnate after the life you are living here is done. I have read books from mystics,...

The Rainbow River of Life

The other evening while having a lovely conversation with a dear long-term friend from Michigan, her late husband came through. When I...

Looking For Happiness

I have heard it said, “Every day is a miracle”. So if every day is a miracle, is every hour “Happy Hour”? And if every hour is happy...

Happy Words for the Happy 4th

May the Fourth always be with you on the Fourth of July. Some folks say, “Happy 4th”, while others say, “Happy Birthday America”. I see...


Imagine if Alexander Parkes, who developed the first man made plastic products, had a crystal ball and an opportunity to see what his...

Living in Life’s Positive Lane

The view I see now through these eyes may be my last. It can be hard to find gratitude in these troubling times. Climate Crisis, global...

One Collective Planet

Imagine if all humans from all countries worked together to solve the catastrophic issues that the human race faces? The Climate Crisis...

Doing What Needs to be Done

Every morning people wake up and do what needs to be done. Getting the kids off to school, getting ready for work, doing morning chores,...

The Protection Umbrella

I’ve written in past blogs about how I’ve imagined wrapping people, places, and things in double rainbow bubbles. I have also imaged...

Truth Is

I imagine walking into an empty room, except for ten chairs placed in a circle. Each chair represents a different emotion, Fear,...

From the Heart

When people ask me to write for them, I write through and from my heart. That is where I always start, whether I am writing for me or...

Every Day Is a Special Day

Today is National Zipper Day, National Shrimp Scampi Day, National Peace Rose Day, National Hairball Awareness Day, National Arbor Day,...

There is a Heaven

Many, many moons ago, I worked as a lead veterinary technician at a small animal shelter north of Atlanta Georgia. My duties where many,...

The World We Choose to Live In

The crisis around the world is affecting everyone everywhere. Whether it’s the cost of groceries, gas, clothes, home, or car repairs,...

Life IS All Living Beings

When people ask if I have pets, I tell them I have my lucky number 13 of roommates. But is that true? Don’t I cohabitate with many more...

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